Quartz Glass JGS2 - Professional Grade Natural Quartz
- Product Code: Quartz Glass - JGS2
JGS2 quartz glass, used for UV optical applications, is produced by refining natural quartz crystal with gas, resulting in a material containing trace metal impurities in the parts-per-million range.
Key characteristics include:
Content: It exhibits an absorption peak at
100nm, related to its hydroxyl (OH) content, which ranges from 200 to 2730 ppm.
· Structure: It possesses a characteristic striped and granular structure.
Optical Performance: It offers excellent optical performance within the 220-2500 nm
wavelength band.
Applications: This type of quartz glass is utilized to manufacture components
such as sight glasses, panels, and pressed items.
In essence, JGS2 provides a balance of optical performance and cost-effectiveness for applications within the UV to near-infrared spectrum.
Some of the applications for JGS2 include:
- condenser optics
- high temperature and pressure
- optical flats
- microscope slides
- sight glasses
The following equivalencies exist for
Synthetic Quartz Silica (specifically JGS2):
- Heraeus: Homasil 1 ,2 and 3
- Dynasil: 1000,4000,5000 and 6000
It is important to understand that these are considered
equivalent materials, meaning they share similar properties, particularly
regarding their high purity and excellent UV transmission.
Tags: Quartz Glass, JGS2, Natural Quartz, Professional Grade Quartz, High-Performance Glass, Precision Quartz, Industrial Quartz, Durable Quartz Glass